Heating logs for 2014

Notes on interpretation
and special notes
(link to EROS log)
Handwritten Log
(page number)
Pet-2000 & EROS tx logs Notes Sample beam patterns
15 February 2014 p1529, p1530 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
16 February 2014 p1530 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
17 February 2014 p1530 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
18 February 2014 p1530 EROS-tx-log [SW,NO]: see information directory.
20 February 2014 p1531 EROS-tx-log [NO] PMWE: see information directory.
[SW,NO]: see information directory.
21 February 2014 p1531, p1532 EROS-tx-log [NO] PMWE: see information directory.
[SW,NO]: see information directory.
23 February 2014 p1532 EROS-tx-log SWR tests;
mare [PP, SW, NO]: see information directory.
24 February 2014 p1532 EROS-tx-log RIOE [SW, NO]: see information directory.
26 February 2014 p1533 EROS-tx-log RIOE [SW, NO]: see information directory.
mare [PP, SW, NO]: see information directory.
28 February 2014 p1533 EROS-tx-log RIOE [SW, NO]: see information directory.
01 March 2014 p1533, p1534 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see information directory.
mare [PP, SW, NO]: see information directory.
02 March 2014 p1534, p1535 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see information directory.
03 March 2014 p1535 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see information directory.
04 March 2014 p1535, p1536 EROS-tx-log RIOE [SW, NO]: see information directory.
ELF [CN]: see information directory.
05 March 2014 p1536 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see information directory.
06 March 2014 p1536 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see information directory.
11 March 2014 p1536, p1537 EROS-tx-log (& corrected version & and some plots) SWR tests; [CN]: see cn4d.elan, step2.tlan and
freqs down, and freqs up for details of the frequency
stepping, and other files in the information directory.
beam patterns 12:30-13:18 UT
18 March 2014 p1537 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see cn4b.elan and
other files in the information directory.
19 March 2014 p1538 EROS-tx-log VLF [CN]: see cn4c.elan and
other files in the information directory.
20 March 2014 p1538 EROS-tx-log VLF [CN]: see cn4c.elan and
other files in the information directory.
21 March 2014 p1538 EROS-tx-log ELF [CN]: see files in the information directory.
26 March 2014 p1538 EROS-tx-log Test Tx12
01 April 2014 p1538 EROS-tx-log Test Tx12
21 May 2014 p1539 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
26 May 2014 p1539 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
27 May 2014 p1539 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
30 May 2014 p1539 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
31 May 2014 p1539, p1540 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
01 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
02 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
03 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
04 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log [FI] heatncool: see the latest fi6a.elan and
other files in the information directory.
05 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log [FI] heatncool: see the latest fi6a.elan and
other files in the information directory.
06 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log [FI] heatncool: see the latest fi6a.elan and
other files in the information directory.
13 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log SWR test
17 June 2014 p1540 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
21 June 2014 p1541 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
24 June 2014 p1541 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
25 June 2014 p1541, p1542 EROS-tx-log SWR and PRAM tests: see pram c2, pram c5 and pram c10 information directories.
26 June 2014 p1542 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
27 June 2014 p1542 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
29 June 2014 p1543 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
30 June 2014 p1543 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
01 July 2014 p1543 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
02 July 2014 p1544 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram c5 and pram c10 information directories.
03 July 2014 p1544, p1545 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory; SWR tests.
04 July 2014 p1545 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
05 July 2014 p1545 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
06 July 2014 p1545 EROS-tx-log SWR tests
07 July 2014 p1546 EROS-tx-log [UK], DIME: see uk9 information directory.
08 July 2014 p1546 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
and [UK], DIME: see uk9 information directory
09 July 2014 p1547 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
11 July 2014 p1547 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO/CN], PRAM (PMSE heating + HF radar): see pram information directory.
08 October 2014 p1547 EROS-tx-log SWR test
10 October 2014 p1547, p1548 EROS-tx-log SWR test
13 October 2014 p1548 EROS-tx-log SWR test
14 October 2014 p1548, p1549 EROS-tx-log SWR test
15 October 2014 p1549 EROS-tx-log SWR test
[RU] see: ru10 information directory.
16 October 2014 p1550 EROS-tx-log (& corrected version & and some plots) SWR test
[CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
[RU]see: ru10 information directory.
17 October 2014 p1551 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
[RU] O/X-mode, see: ru10 information directory.
[RU] ELF modulation, see: another information directory.
18 October 2014 p1552 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
[RU]see: ru10 information directory.
19 October 2014 p1552 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
20 October 2014 p1552, p1553 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
21 October 2014 p1553, p1554 EROS-tx-log [RU] O/X-mode, see: ru10 information directory.
[RU] ELF modulation, see: another information directory.
23 October 2014 p1554 EROS-tx-log [RU] O/X-mode, see: ru10 information directory.
24 October 2014 p1554 EROS-tx-log [RU] power stepping, see:ru10 information directory.
25 October 2014 p1554, p1555 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see information directory.
[RU] power stepping, see:ru10 information directory.
26 October 2014 p1556 EROS-tx-log [RU] SWARMB, see:ru10 information directory.
[CN] freq stepping: see another information directory.
[RU] ELF modulation, see: information directory.
27 October 2014 p1557 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
27 October 2014 p1557 EROS-tx-log [CN] freq stepping: see cn5 information directory.
08 November 2014 p1557 EROS-tx-log Changed tube Tx5, SWR tests
10 November 2014 p1557, p1558 EROS-tx-log SWR tests, PRAM tests: see pram information directory.
11 November 2014 p1558, p1559 EROS-tx-log SWR tests, UK10 tests: see uk10 information directory
UK TEAX test: see teax info direrectory.
12 November 2014 p1559, p1560 EROS-tx-log SWR tests, PRAM: see pram information directory;
UK10 (DIME): see uk10 information directory;
UK TEAX: see teax info direrectory.
13 November 2014 p1560 EROS-tx-log [NO/UA]: see ua6 information directory;
[UK/PP] TEAX: see teax info direrectory.
Sample pump beam patterns and ERP 14:06-15:31 UT
14 November 2014 p1560 EROS-tx-log [UK/PP] TEAX: see teax info direrectory.
16 November 2014 p1560 EROS-tx-log Tests of ua6: see ua6 information directory.
17 November 2014 p1561, p1562 EROS-tx-log [NO] ua6: see ua6 information directory;
[FI] fi7: see fi7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
18 November 2014 p1562 EROS-tx-log [NO] ua6: see ua6 information directory;
[NO] no7: see no7 information directory;
[SP=NO/UK] pram: see pram information directory;
[FI] fi7: see fi7 information directory.
19 November 2014 p1562,p1563 EROS-tx-log [NO] ua6: see ua6 information directory;
[NO] next1800: see no7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
20 November 2014 p1563,p1564 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO] pram: see pram information directory;
[FI] heatncool: see fi7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
21 November 2014 p1564,p1565 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO] pram: see pram information directory;
[FI] heatncool: see fi7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
22 November 2014 p1565 EROS-tx-log tests
23 November 2014 p1565 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO] pram: see pram information directory;
[UK] brillouin: see brillouin information directory.
24 November 2014 p1566 EROS-tx-log [SP=UK/NO] pram: see pram information directory;
[NO] next1800: see no7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
5.423 MHz O-mode pattern
4.040 MHz O-mode pattern
25 November 2014 p1566, p1567 EROS-tx-log [NO] Te_on: see no7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
6.300 MHz O-mode pattern1, pattern2
6.300 MHz X-mode pattern1, pattern2
26 November 2014 p1567 EROS-tx-log [NO] Next1800: see no7 information directory;
[SW] sw4: see sw4 information directory.
6.300 MHz O-mode pattern
27 November 2014 p1568 EROS-tx-log [NO] Te_on: see no7 information directory
28 November 2014 p1568 EROS-tx-log [NO] Next1800: see no7 information directory
29 November 2014 p1568, p1569 EROS-tx-log [UK] Brillouin: see brillouin information directory. Sample pump beam patterns and ERP 10:52-12:30 UT
04 December 2014 p1569 EROS-tx-log [SP=NO/SW/UK] RONE (Relec pass): see no7 information directory.
10 December 2014 p1569 EROS-tx-log [SP=NO/SW/UK] RONE (Relec pass): see no7 information directory.