The antenna beam patterns plotted here were made using software written by Dr. Andrew Senior with contributions by Dr. Michael T. Rietveld. Before using these plots in publications please consult us, so that we can confirm their validity. An acknowledgement to A. Senior should be made. This software is freely available from The log files used as input to this software are available through EISCAT. A perfectly conducting ground has been assumed in the model, which is not completely realistic. We think that the actual ERP may only be about 75% of the calculated value. (For details see Section 6.6 of: Senior, A., M. T. Rietveld, F. Honary, W. Singer, and M. J. Kosch, Measurements and Modelling of Cosmic Noise Absorption Changes due to Radio Heating of the D-Region Ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04310, doi:10.1029/2010JA016189, 2011.) Michael Rietveld 10-Nov 2013