In the notes below the new DDS system means that the freq ref is the Ebay GPS-controlled 10MHz oscillator as reference for the DDS exciters in the tx-hall, and a GPS-controlled clock and 10MHz ref for the tru-time board and radar controller in the control room. The tru-time board gives the start signal to the tx-hall RC. 20081128 13:18 UT EISCAT 1pps _|- is 17 us ahead datum 1pps -|_ 20090127 Using new DDS system (tx-hall exciters) 20090302 19:00 UT EISCAT 1pps _|- is 56 us ahead datum 1pps -|_ Set clock 20090303 18:06 UT Reverted to old system (control-room exciters) =60 us ahead Symmetricom in control room 20090305 23:00 UT power break 20090306 08:24 UT EISCAT 1pps _|- is 10.8usbehind datum 1pps -|_ set clock 20090423 Using new DDS system (tx-hall exciters) 20090808 Reverted to old system (control-room exciters) 20091009 Using new DDS system (tx-hall exciters) 20091029 Reverted to old system (control-room exciters) 20091130 Using new DDS system (tx-hall exciters) 03 May 2011 ----------- A Rubidium frequency standard (SRS) is now the 10MHz frequency reference for the exciters in the transmitter hall. It is free running, i.e. not disciplined by GPS. March 12 2013: -------------- The SRS Rubidium standard in the tx-hall now has an external 1pps added from an Adafruit GPS receiver. This should improve long-term frequency stability.