ERP estimates for ELF experiments on 24,25,26 October 2016
The standard beam plots are probably not reliable given the ELF modulation
because I don't know if all the measured powers and phases are done during
an interval with the heater on. So I make the following estimates based on the original tuneup
used to create the '.dds' file that was loaded in these experiments.
24 October 2016
15:01-15:46 UT: Vertical beam, use this pattern.
The actual ERP is probably 94% of this because of the weak tube in Tx2, so about 132 MW ERP.
From 15:49 to 16:56 UT: Field-aligned, use this pattern.
The actual ERP is again probably 94% of this because of the weak tube in Tx2, so about 140 MW ERP.
25 October 2016
Use the same estimate as for the field-aligned part of 24 Oct (15:49-16:56UT), so about 140 MW.
26 October 2016
As the basis use the same estimate as for the field-aligned part of 24 Oct (15:49-16:56UT) (140 MW with the weak Tx2)
but reduce the power proportionally to the number of transmitters in use to:
ca. 91% between 15:01 and 15:40 UT giving ca. 128 MW
ca. 84% between 15:40 and 16:21:30 UT giving ca. 118 MW
ca. 75% between 16:21:30 and 16:56 UT giving ca. 111 MW